Educational Tours

Educational Tour Operators

Want to make learning fun for children? Arrange for an educational tour. It is the best way to allow students to experience the things they learn in class. While classroom education is necessary for gaining knowledge about the curriculum, educational tour operators can add the fun element. They create a sense of curiosity. These interactive educational tours for students allow children to gain in-depth knowledge about various subjects.

Intrans Travel has education tour packages which are specifically designed in keeping with the curriculum. Whether you are taking kindergarten or high school students, the student tour packages are optimised to their needs. Educational tour operators have multiple options ranging From international and out station trips to day trips and visits to parks, museums and zoos to industrial visits.

Benefits of Educational Tours

There are multiple benefits of an educational tour. Children are not only exposed to an external environment; they learn to interact with others to gather more information about subjects and concepts. It also promotes a healthy sharing of ideas. The practical implementation of concepts to real life is the biggest Take Away of these trips. If you are thinking about education tour packages with Intrans Travel, rest assured about everything from planning to guidance.

Educational tours for students also take children away from their comfort zones. They experience the outside world, learn to communicate with others and break social barriers to a large extent. It fosters a spirit of independence. Children learn different cultural values, and it also helps to hone their leadership skills.

Different Types of Field Trips

In order to make student tour packages attractive, visits to theme parks, museums, zoos, aquariums or historical sites can be arranged. These kind of tours are particularly good for elementary school children in the age group of 4 to 12 years. For slightly older kids, activities that foster interest in education must be pursued. It can be ensured with trips to the local theatre, musical shows or visits to historical monuments and industrial areas.

Eco-adventure trips, wildlife safaris and trips to science museums are particularly attractive for most children. Further, educational trips can be for a day or multiple days, depending on the kind of tour you want. At Intrans Travel, our aim is to create the perfect educational tours for students of all age groups.

Educational Tours

Theme Parks

Frequently Asked Questions about Educational Tours

Q. What are the types of Educational Tours?
A. Students of various age groups look forward to educational tours such as visits to museums, zoos, aquariums, historical sites, wildlife safaris, eco-adventure trips, industrial visits, international tours, and even trips to NASA. These educational tour packages are arranged by educational tour operators for a single day or multiple days. At Ezi Holiday, educational tours are broadly classified as (1) Industrial visits (2) Field trips (3) International Tours (4) Domestic tours

Q. What are the learning outcomes of an educational tour?
A. Some of the learning outcomes for students are social behaviour and etiquette, exposure to places, ideas, subjects and concepts, and gaining practical knowledge of how ideas and concepts are implemented in real life.

Q. How to prepare for an educational tour?
A. Parents and teachers can help the children follow the below steps to make the best out of their tour.

  • Discuss the learning objectives of the tour
  • Encourage observation with note-taking and photography
  • Plan group activities to build social bonding
  • Set rules and regulations that need to be strictly adhered to

Q. What must be the backpack essentials when going on an Educational Tour?
A. Make a list of things to pack, including school IDs, travel documents if any, essential medicines, toiletries, stationaries, and clothes and shoes that are suitable for the region they are travelling to.